Uganda surprised invited African tourism gurus with special honours


(Posted 27th May 2024)



At the just ended Ugandan tourism trade expo POATE were Dr. Alain St. Ange and Mr. Ikechi Uko honoured by their Ugandan hosts with a special recognition during a dinner function, sponsored by Uganda Airlines, at the Ndere Cultural Centre in Kampala.

Both Dr. Alain and Ikechi are long time friends and collaboraters with the ATCNews publisher in making travel to and across Africa easier, as much as possible free of unnecessary bureaucracy and turn tourism into an economic driver of top proportions.



Ikechi Uko of Akwaaba African Travel Market- West Africa’s leading tourism trade show – of Accra Weizo and of ATQ News and Dr. Alain St.Ange former Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine of Seychelles & President of the African Tourism Board (ATB) were introduced as the ‘Giants and Pillars’ of Tourism in Africa. Also recognized was Cuthbert Ncube of African Tourism Board.

Ikechi Uko of Akwaaba African Travel Market in a message issued to the tourism trade said “Massive recognition to share the same space with my Oga St. Ange“.

Dr. Alain St.Ange, on his part said he was humbled by the recognition received at a packed Official Dinner and thanked his hosts for this great honour.



Dr. Alain St. Ange had earlier that day paid a courtesy call on the ATCNews publisher and managing editor and Ikechi Uko, the following day, also visited the lakeside residence of the ATCNews team, both of them discussing ongoing projects and future cooperation to advance the common goals for African tourism.

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