(Posted 03rd April 2024)



Mozambique Island remains a key USP (unique of Mozambique) that has opened to
tourism with even a bridge from the mainland. This small island that was once the
Capital of Mozambique is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and need protecting as
Alain St.Ange said following a visit to the island in early March.
I had discovered this unique island in 1973 on my first ever trip outside of
Seychelles after completing my schooling years at Seychelles College. It was a real
pleasure to stop again at this same island in 2024” said St.Ange who was lecturing
on a luxury liner as it stopped at Mozambique Island.
Today Mozambique Island has a bridge to its mainland and has made a major step
into the world of tourism. A young Mozambican tourism operator, Gisela Matavel
Antman is key to hold tourism firmly in the hands of locals. The mother of two is part
owner in Villa Sands, one of the main resorts of the island with an authentic local
restaurant right of the sea offering mouth watering seafood delights to the island’s
discerning visitors. Gisela and her Swedish born husband, who also own a Maputo
based Tour Operator business, prides herself that her efforts to balance her desire to
develop Mozambique Island’s tourism as she also works to promote local artists as a
benevolent benefactor with the aim of keeping the youth of the island employed and
the culture of Mozambique Island alive is working” said Alain St.Ange.

Mozambique Island will nevertheless have to act on experiences learned by other
tourism island destinations. The Government or local administration of the island will
need to grab the dilapidated and rundown historical buildings and ensure their
facade is rehabilated asap. This work will save the local architecture and bring back
a sense of care and attention for the island. The island has everything to succeed in
the upmarket tourism network but need more Gisela Matavel Antman in their tourism
industry. The island remains a key USP for Mozambique and a little more care and

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