Video: International Rhino Coalition concludes trade in rhino horn is too risky

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Conservation Action Trust
Video: International Rhino Coalition concludes trade in rhino horn is too risky

Video: International Rhino Coalition concludes trade in rhino horn is too risky

Conservation Action Trust & OSCAP | 10 June, 2014 |

INTRODUCTION: This video addresses the dire effects the legal rhino horn trade could have on the survival of the species. Some of the key findings include: The premise that legalizing the rhino horn trade will make illegal trade unprofitable is… Full Story ?

Hunting desert elephants for meat raises a storm – and denials

Daily Maverick | 9 June, 2014 | Don Pinnock

To see the desert-adapted elephants of Namibia’s north-eastern Kunene region, you have to travel far over rough roads, be patient and trust your luck. The sight of these gaunt, highly intelligent animals trailing down a dry riverbed is one of… Full Story ?

Why burn ivory stockpiles? – a summary from Stop Ivory

Stop Ivory | June, 2014 |

INTRODUCTION: Ivory stockpiles are being burnt around the globe this year, thick plumes of grey smoke sending a signal across international newsfeeds: Some countries consider the scourge of illegal ivory poaching in Africa a personal matter and want no hand in… Full Story ?

Europe – An Open Market for the Ivory Trade?

The Economic Voice | 2 June, 2014 | Economic Voice Staff

Conservationists urge the EU – the biggest exporter of so-called “old” ivory – to ban all ivory trade. On the eve of inter-governmental meetings in Brussels and Geneva in June and July to debate the fate of elephants, a group of… Full Story ?

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