Watamu Community Enterprises call for your support

Dear Friends of Watamu,

Thanks to your support we are close to completing the second phase of construction at our Watamu Community Recycling Centre.

The building is a work room, office and shop for our community women and health groups who make medicinal products from neem tree and coconut oils. These products include soaps and oils which are an effective natural treatment for painful and debilitating jigger flea infections and skin diseases which afflict our community members and children in particular. The shop will also sell artwork made from recycled waste materials by our community artists. The medicinal products will also be marketed in hotels and retail outlets. All our enterprises are designed to be income generating and self sustaining in the short term and we only need donor funding for construction of buildings.

We raised KSH200,000 and now need only KSH100,000 to finish the work. This will be a unique building in Kenya as most of the walls will be made from recycled wine and water bottles and it is intended to encourage local communities to construct buildings and walls from recycled materials.

Any amount of support would be greatly appreciated and all donors will be named on a plaque at the Centre.

Many thanks for your consideration and please come and visit the Recycling Centre when you can.

Warm regards


New construction of work rooms and shop for the Watamu Community Groups to make medicinal products

A building made from 5,626 bottles!

Remaining work – interior electrics, ceilings and fittings

Neem and coconut soap