Uganda Wildlife Authority gets new board, finally

UGANDA WILDLIFE AUTHORITY GETS NEW BOARD, FINALLY The long wait to have a new competent board appointed, a year since the buddy appointment by former tourism minister Otafire of one Muballa and company came to a dramatic end when court declared him not competent enough to hold the position, is now finally over. Former Permanent […]

Kenya news – Briatore’s luxury resort expansion raises controvery

BRIATORES RESORT PLANS MEET LOCAL OPPOSITION Flavio Briatores plans for expanding his billionaires resort in Malindi met with local opposition when boat and beach business operators protested at the public beach of the construction site, preventing contractors to put up a fence which could have cut off access to the beach in contravention of existing […]

Rwanda breaking news – French magistrate’s report clears President Kagame and the RPF

RWANDA SHINES AS LIES FINALLY PUT TO REST Rwandans will be celebrating today as the contents of a long awaited judicial report, conducted in France by independent magistrates, are becoming public today. The main issue, after a clearly biased, probably unduly influenced and now completely disgraced Brugiere had accused the Rwanda Patriotic Front in general […]

Kenya aviation news update – From the one and only Harro Trempenau

NEWS FROM THE ORLY AIRPARK GIVE AN ANNUAL ROUND UP             Harro Trempenau, former and almost forever chairman of the Aero Club of East Africa at the Wilson Airport in Nairobi, has since his eventual retirement two years ago from that position been relatively quiet, much to the dislike of, […]

Kenya tourism news – Stakeholders furious over state of Narok – Mara road

FIX THE MARA ROAD OR ELSE Tourism stakeholders have once again demanded that the Kenyan government finally lives up to its often made and yet to be delivered promises, to have a crucial tourism road fixed up. The section of road between Narok and the Sekenani gate, a major entrance to the world famous Masai […]

Uganda conservation news – Gorilla killers fined less than 20 US Dollars each

GORILLA KILLERS FINED LESS THAN 20 DOLLARS The Kanungu magistrate’s court has come into the cross hairs of conservationists from Uganda and further abroad, when in a misguided act of sentencing it fined three professed gorilla killers 50.000 Uganda Shillings each, which is less than US Dollars 20, yes TWENTY. Gorilla tracking is one of […]

Uganda conservation news – UWA releases confiscated African Grey’s

AFRICAN GREY PARROTS RELEASED Last week saw the release of most of the African Grey parrots, which were confiscated by UWA and customs officials at the Mpondwe border post between Uganda and Congo DR last year. Initially kept at the Wildlife Education Centre in Entebbe, where they were assessed and as necessary received veterinary treatment, […]

Sudan news update – Reactions to Bin Laden death expose ‘terror links’

KHARTOUM REACTION ON BIN LADEN DEATH ‘EXPOSES TERROR FRIENDS’ The news from Khartoum, that senior officials and members of parliament of the ruling NCP described Osama Bin Laden as a ‘martyr’ and a ‘holy fighter’ brought about instant condemnation by a wide section of the Southern Sudanese leadership. The soon to be independent South Sudan […]

East Africa news update – Osama death news received in sombre atmosphere

SOMBRE MOOD IN NAIROBI AND DAR ON NEWS OF OSAMA DEMISE Hundreds of families and thousands of friends of those who perished in the 1998 bombings of the US Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, as well as those of victims of other Al Qaida inspired terrorist acts in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, showed relief on […]

Rwanda’s new wildlife bill finally caters for compensation

NEW WILDLIFE BILL AWAITING PRESIDENTIAL CONSENT TO BECOME LAW The various amendments to the Rwandan wildlife laws – most notably the provision to pay compensation to people suffering damages to property, injuries and loss of life by game straying out of the national parks –  has received the approval of Rwanda’s second chamber, the Senate, […]

Tourism News from Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean region First edition October 2010

TOURISM NEWS from the Eastern African and Indian Ocean region Reports, Travel Stories and Opinions By Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Thome First edition October 2010 Uganda News HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO ALL UGANDANS ON OCTOBER 09th RHINO FUND TO HOLD MAIN ANNUAL FUNDRAISER The Rhino Fund Uganda is organising their annual main fundraising activity the […]

Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean report Second Edition June 2010

TOURISM NEWS from the Eastern African and Indian Ocean region Reports, Travel Stories and Opinions By Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Thome Second edition June 2010 BIG BROTHER COMES INTO THE CABIN Information received from Lufthansa sources speaks of the development of a new surveillance system in commercial aircraft, developed by Lufthansa Technik, which is part […]

Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean report Fourth Edition May 2010

News from ‘Uganda – Gifted by Nature’, the Eastern African and Indian Ocean region By Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Thome Fourth edition May 2010   Uganda News CONSERVATION EFFORTS GET BADLY HIT A pride of lions, including a pregnant female, were found poisoned last week in Queen Elizabeth National Park by UWA rangers on patrol. […]